Menetekel Film

Menetekel Film
Maarten Isaäk de Heer

Sewanstrasse 122
10319, Berlin

+49 30 297788829

animation studio - 2D tradigital - experimental - fulldome - VR animation - art - commissions


'This 360° panoramic handdrawn animation shows the relationship between man and nature in a barren, wintry landscape. The landscape painting breaks out of the flat rectangle of the movie screen and forms an infinite world, meticulously animated. The spectator is outside in the drizzle, surrounded by trees. From a short distance, sounds of revelry can be heard, but it is constantly drowned out by the ghusts of wind and rain in an icy storm.'


Release: 2015

Production: Valk Productions (NL) 

14m01s   4K    Fulldome    VR     Installation


Awarded Best Soundtrack at Immersive Filmfestival 2015, Espinho
Honourable mention at Fulldome Festival Jena

Screenings and exhibitions:
VRHAM! 2018, Skip City Int'l D-Cinema Festival 2017, Animafest Zagreb 2017 - CANNES NEXT 2017 - Houston Cinema Arts Festival 2016 - Fulldome UK 2016 - Filmtage Lübeck 2016 - CURRENTS New Media, Santa Fe - IPS Fulldome Festival, Brno - Immersive Festival 2016, Madrid - European Media Art Festival 2016 - Kaleidoscope VR (Amsterdam) - IMERSA SUMMIT 2016 - Immersive Filmfestival 2015, Espinho -Award for Best Soundtrack - IFSV 2015, Japan - B3 Biennale, Frankfurt 2015 - KLIK Animationfestival Amsterdam 2015 - FANTOCHE,Baden 2015 - Honourable Mention at Fulldome Festival, Jena 2015- Holland Animation Film Festival, 2015